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The Psychology of Obstacles in Brand Marketing

The previous post, Branding Psychology Insights: How Consumer’s REALLY View Your Brand, discussed three important ideas:

  • Your consumers are concerned ONLY about their end result
  • Your product/service is your consumer’s bridge/obstacle to the end result they desire
  • Your brand, the face & name of your product/service, must be synonymous with that end result

We all face obstacles. Obstacles are a part of life. Obstacles contribute to our growth, more than most of us are aware of. And just for clarification – an obstacle, is anything that hinders the progress to a desired goal.

The thing with obstacles, is that they don’t just show up as one big dragon we have to slay. Sometimes there are several dragons we need to get past. Sometimes there are obstacles within obstacles. That’s when we’re truly tested on how MUCH we want our end result. Your consumer goes through these same obstacles on their journey to their end result.

When they choose your brand, your product/service, they are relying on you to get them there in the best way possible (whether ‘best’ means fastest, cheapest, easiest, safest, etc.). That’s when they shift from being a prospect, to being a customer.

Keep in mind: the ‘obstacles along the journey’ concept really only comes into play when the consumer doesn’t have the ability to get their desired end result ‘instantly’. Where ‘time & effort’ are factors. Of course, some products/services provide their consumer with instant satisfaction – food items are an example. If someone’s thirsty, they buy a water bottle and drink it. Simple. However, if you’re selling a course where there’s a learning process, or if you’re providing a service where in the long-term your customer will be able to improve their financial health, their physical health, or their relationships, these things take time and effort. 

These are also the things that are part of the most fundamental human needs. In some way or another, we’re all looking to have these 3 needs met, and constantly improved. These end results will most likely require some degree of time and effort. In other words, they hinder progress.

Question for thought:

After choosing your brand, after becoming your customer, what are ALL the possible obstacles your customer will face on the way to their desired end result? 

And how are you helping them get past all those barriers to their goal?

There are two kinds of obstacles on that journey:

1)      Expected Obstacles

2)      New Obstacles

Expected Obstacles

These are the obstacles that are within the consumer’s awareness.

These are the obstacles that the consumer KNOWS about – the ones that they will CREATE for THEMSELVES. These are personal obstacles. Expected obstacles can be: resisting temptation, sacrificing something, not procrastinating, paying an annual or monthly subscription fee, etc.


If your goal is to get to the top of the staircase, if that’s your desired end result, you know your obstacles are the stair steps. They are within your sight. You know even before beginning that journey that you’re going to have to keep climbing, one step after another.

The interesting thing about obstacles is that they sometimes increase our sense of commitment to a particular goal. The more dragons we slay, the more invested we become in rescuing the princess, or getting to that gold, or whatever the end result we want is.

Every step on the staircase gets easier to conquer… and as you climb higher you become more invested in getting to the top. Once you’ve climbed halfway or above halfway on the staircase, it’s unlikely you’re going to turn back. The negative emotional impact of turning around and quitting keeps increasing. Eventually, we much rather suffer our way to the end result, than suffer the sense of defeat after quitting.

Once we get past the halfway mark, it’s almost intrinsically ‘automatic’ to keep going… meaning that our motivation automatically sprouts from within. If you’re on a diet and you see a piece of chocolate cake and you resist it, conquering that obstacle automatically strengthens your determination for your end result. Before even beginning the diet, resisting these temptations were obvious obstacles that you were already mentally prepared for.

If you’re a student studying for a particular exam and you tell your friends that you’ll meet them later, a huge obstacle for any student, your determination to succeed on the exam will automatically rise. The best part is, the next time these obstacles show up, it’s EASIER to get past them again because you’ve already done it once.

Key Insight: You need to get your customer past that halfway mark at the VERY LEAST, so you diminish the majority of chances of losing your customer in the process.

If you want to be exceptional however, a market leader, you won’t just get your customer to the halfway mark and move on to something else…. you’ll take your consumer to the top. Your consumer already has obstacles that they EXPECT to have to push through, before starting the journey.

Do you know what those expected obstacles are for your consumer? Can you identify them?

New Obstacles

These are obstacles that your consumer doesn’t know about. These are the obstacles your consumer is hoping they won’t have to face by trusting your brand, your product, and your service. News obstacles are usually the limitations in your product or service. These are company flaws that businesses usually DON’T advertise.

Most people climb with their eyes on the end result (the top of the staircase). They don’t look down. All of a sudden, there may be new obstacles to get past – the toys on the stairs, the spill that hasn’t been cleaned up, etc. The new obstacles are scary. They’re unexpected. The unknown is always a fear for humans.

If your customer has put their trust in your brand by agreeing to take your path to their desired end result, the last thing they want is that trust to be broken. All they can do is take your word and hope that there won’t be any new obstacles.

It’s not the expected obstacles that are usually the deal-breakers for people to get on the journey to getting what they want, it’s the new, unknown obstacles. Because when a new obstacle shows up… that’s when things get interesting…


An interesting paper in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology demonstrates how when we encounter a new obstacle, we react to it by thinking about the problem on a more global scale.

Our awareness expands.

Here’s an experiment to put this in perspective:

There was a difficult maze given to participants in a study mentioned in this paper. A computer tracked the eye movements of these participants. When some participants hit a ‘block’ in the maze where their path to the end goal was interrupted, they responded by becoming AWARE of the entire maze.

Their focus shifted from that one path… to other potential paths to their destination. They began looking for other options and alternatives. Those who didn’t experience any obstacle, happily kept going. It’s natural for us humans, when we hit a barrier, to think about problems more globally.

What does this tell us?

If your consumer is on a journey to their end destination, that journey is already an obstacle.  And usually at the beginning of every maze, the consumer has several paths to choose from. If I want to search for something on the internet, I have the option of choosing to use Yahoo!, Google, Bing, etc. I’ll choose the brand I trust the most, that has always delivered, that I know will give me the least new obstacles in my search.

That decision process on which path to choose, is the definition of marketing.

Because that’s when your company comes along, and through your exceptional brand positioning skills and marketing strategies (that you learned at Brand Marketing Psychology), you convince your prospect to choose your path to their end result… and become your customer. You convince them to choose your brand, your product/service, to get them to their end result.

A question for every brand/business owner to ask themselves is:

  • How clear and FREE OF OBSTACLES is my consumer’s path to their destination… when they choose my brand?
  • What barriers will they hit?
  • What flaws does my product/service have that will make my consumer stop and question their progress?
  • Is there a point they will hit on our path, where their awareness will expand and they will begin considering other options?

If you promised them that they’ll get to their end result in 30 days and in 30 days they’re only halfway there, it’s only natural that their awareness will broaden. They will search out alternatives – your competitors.

How do you retain those consumers?

Sometimes it’s not your product/services flaw. Sometimes the customer might not have used your product/service in the most efficient way. So you might think it’s their issue if they didn’t use it properly… But who is the consumer going to blame? They will never blame themselves.

It’s ALWAYS the company’s responsibility to retain the customer. When they began the journey, they didn’t expect to face these barriers, otherwise they wouldn’t have started. These are new obstacles.

Your Brand Marketing Strategy:

Remember that there are always obstacles within obstacles. The obstacles that the consumer will face on their journey to their end destination, will either be the obstacles that are expected and/or the obstacles that are new. In both cases, it’s usually your company’s fault in the mind of the consumer.

And that’s a GOOD THING. Why? Because now you know how your consumer is going to react, how they think, you know their psychology… and now you can act strategically.

The most strategic way to deal with this is to tackle both potential obstacles. If it’s your fault, if your product/service has flaws, IMPROVE IT. Keep getting feedback and improving it. If your consumer returns your product, ask why. If the consumer is having to conquer their own personal obstacles, HELP THEM through it. Hold their hand and help them cross that bridge.

Are they procrastinating? Provide a schedule – charge them a small fee for it, or give it for free as a bonus. Whatever you do, establish that strategic relationship, where they feel you’re looking out for their best interest, but at the same time, you’re ensuring their focus remains with your brand, your company. You’re ensuring that they don’t even bother looking at other competitors because their awareness hasn’t grown in that global sense because you catch them at a point before it can get to that level.

Get them to their destination no matter what it takes. That’s when businesses thrive through recommendations and especially because consumers become loyal and are open to any other follow-up product/service you have to offer.

Brand Differentiation Brand Management Brand Positioning Brand Promise Brand Strategy Brand Strategy for Start-Ups Branding Psychology Consumer Psychology Emotional Branding Marketing Psychology

Branding Psychology Insights: How Consumers REALLY View Your Brand

If you read Brand Strategy: How To Fuel Consumer Motivation, then you’re well aware of the fact that consumers don’t buy the product, the service, or even the brand… they are buying the end result. They are buying the benefits and solutions.

The end result, the solutions, and the benefits are essentially feelings that humans desire on the deepest level – joy, fullness, satisfaction, happiness, confidence, acceptance, etc. Anything we really do, anything we pursue, we do it to experience some form of these positive feelings.

If we were to boil down brand marketing to the core…

It’s how well you can associate your brand, in the mind of your consumer, as being the BRIDGE to the end result they want.

Your brand is the face of the product or service that’s going to get them to those feelings. Just like we have physical bodies, made up of our inner biology which is capable of accomplishing many things… Our physical appearance, the way we present ourselves, our name, our tone and communication style… all of these are elements of our personal brand.

How well people associate your name with how well you can do something for them, is the strength of your personal brand. 

It’s not about amazing your service is. You could be the best lawyer in the world, but if you haven’t built your personal brand and no one can look at you and instantly become aware of their desired end result, then you’re depriving not only yourself of business, but also the world of your true capabilities.

The lawyer is the bridge to the settlement. It’s a painful bridge to cross for most people – one that costs money and time… and the experience to the end result is never really pleasant either. So in law firm marketing, the main focus is usually on the end result… never on the experience getting there – “We will win your case”.. etc.

So what does this REALLY mean for brand marketing?

In between your consumer and their desired end result, is a bridge. Your product or service is that bridge. Your brand is the promise of how quickly/effectively/inexpensively/pleasantly (depends on consumer needs)… will your consumer get to the end result. If they care about safety, your brand represents a safe passage to their end result.

If your consumer could have it their way, they would eliminate that bridge and get their desired end result INSTANTLY. Which makes sense. We all want instant gratification – for everything! We don’t like things out of our control – like spending time to get what we want and having to walk across those bridges. We view them as obstacles. Things that aren’t avoidable. Things that separate us from what we want.

Key Insight: Your product is your customer’s obstacle.

That might be difficult to digest. No matter how much you think your brand or your product is special because it does so much for your customer – it’s still the obstacle that the customer has to get around to get what they want. It’s a hassle.

Your consumer has to actually pay money for it. They have to give up their time as well, to cross that bridge. I’ve met a lot of brand and business owners who have grown to be so attached to their product or service that they associate their own sense of pride with it. It no longer becomes about finding the customer… it becomes about ‘the customer will find our product because it’s clearly amazing, and if they don’t want it, then that’s unfortunate for them’.

That’s probably the main reason why us brand consultants get clients. It’s because we don’t have any attachment to our clients’ business or their brand, so we see everything from a third person perspective, from the consumer’s perspective, and we strategize and advise accordingly.

If you could see the consumer’s perspective, marketing strategy would come naturally and logically. You wouldn’t need to hire consultants. Sharing that insight is probably not  in my best interest… but regardless, why is this concept extremely important for you to realize?!

Well once you understand the idea that your product isn’t this amazing gift to your consumer, that it’s actually an obstacle, NOW you can be much more strategic when you try to market it and present it in a way that your consumer will find appealing… because now you’re seeing THEIR perspective.

Now you’re in their mind with them. You can build a connection. You now have the ability to be their friend, not a salesperson. If you read Marketing Persuasion Strategy: The Deep Psychology of Consumer Persuasion, then you know that consumer’s don’t want to be sold, they want to buy. Friends shop together, they encourage each other to buy things that are GOOD for them, that will make them happy. They even ask each other’s opinion. Imagine the strength of your relationship with your consumer, if they’re asking YOUR opinion on what to buy.

Well the first step to building a strong brand-consumer relationship is realizing how your audience views your product. The next step is positioning your brand to be completely synonymous with the end result. If you have a bridge in front of you and can’t even see your destination, how likely would you be to cross it?

And you need to remember that consumers do have one thing in their control… and that’s the ability to choose from different OPTIONS. 

Enter brand competition.

We buy cars to take us places. Our goal isn’t the car… it’s the destinations the car will take us to. If we had the option of teleportation, we would happily choose it and never drive again. But since teleportation is not a current option, we need cars (the bridges to our goal).

The best thing we can do is hope that crossing the bridge will be a pleasant experience in itself.  We look for what can be the best in-car experience. That experience itself, can be a selling factor. So different car brands sell different experiences while driving. They target different feelings. Volvo targets the feeling of safety. Mercedes targets the feeling of prestige.

Something to think about: Knowing that your product is the obstacle, the bridge, to your consumer’s end result… what would define the best ‘bridge-crossing’ experience? What would define the most desired products or services?

I think the ultimate definition, the ultimate strategy, is that if you can create an experience for your consumer that is so pleasing as they travel to their end result… that your consumer actually FORGETS about the end result because they’re lost in the experience… that’s when you can quickly and easily rise to market leadership.

Make them want the experience of crossing the bridge, MORE than they want the end result it gives them. Make the end result a BONUS. Who really cares about the destination when they’re driving a Lamborghini? Who really cares about the health benefits of getting relevant vitamins when they’re chewing on a tasty gummy multi-vitamin candy?

Two rules:

1) Make your brand synonymous with the end result

2) Make the experience of your product or service (crossing the bridge) more appealing that (or just as appealing as) the end result

You have a sure winner if you employ both rules – but that’s not always possible. It depends on a lot of factors. BUT you can always employ one of them. Most companies employ can only employ one.

Eating at McDonald’s is about the experience, not the end result. The end result usually leaves most people feeling guilty. Same with drinking Coke, it’s about the experience. Drinking Diet Coke however, is about the experience, but it’s also positioned in a way that ‘it’s not that bad… don’t feel guilty… because it’s diet Coke!’.

Sometimes real-estate agents aren’t able to guarantee that their clients will get the house of their dreams, but if the clients know that the real-estate agent’s service is extremely pleasant and that he or she will try their best, etc…. if their clients know the experience dealing with the agent will be a comfortable process… that’s enough for the clients to give the agent their business. But what if the agent has a successful history and can promise the client what they want, PLUS promise a pleasant experience as they work together? How easy would it be for the agent to build his or her brand? Others would actually build it for them.

I started writing this post to explain the psychology behind how consumers view obstacles and what that means for your brand marketing strategy – but it took a little turn.  In the next post you’ll learn 2 ways consumer’s react to obstacles and how by knowing this, you can be sure to INSTANTLY and significantly prevent a reduction in brand equity.

More importantly, you will learn how to leverage human psychology to build a brand that lives in your consumer’s mind… because that’s what Brand Marketing Psychology is all about.

Brand Building Brand Differentiation Brand Management Brand Positioning Brand Strategy Brand Strategy for Start-Ups Branding Psychology Consumer Psychology Marketing Psychology

Marketing Psychology Secrets: Building Brand-Consumer Relationships

One of the best known theories of motivation in psychology is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The hierarchy of needs is organized in a way where the most basic of needs are placed at the bottom and the more complex ones at the peak.

The Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid

What I find most interesting about this theory of motivation is that its evidence is clearly reflected in our current lives as humans and as a society.

If you look at the bottom 3 most basic needs, we have physiological needs which are rooted in survival, safety needs which are rooted in security, and love/belonging needs which are rooted in social connection.

In business market terminology, these needs are:

  1. The ‘Health/Well-Being’ Market (physiological)
  2. The ‘Career/Wealth/Business’ Market (safety, security)
  3. The ‘Dating/Relationships’ Market (love/belonging/connection)

It’s no surprise that these 3 categories are responsible for over 80% of sales that take place online. When people are lacking in ANY one of these three basic needs, the mind is unable to really focus on anything else. The pain, urgency, and irrational passion to find a solution to the lacking need is the driving force behind many consumer decisions. It takes priority over anything else.

The order makes a lot of sense – Health & Wellness is the first most essential need because without food, an able body, a working mind, we are incapable of doing anything else or even considering any other need. That needs to be taken care of first. Career & Wealth is second because once we have our health, we need to maintain and ensure our continuous survival through having the security of a home, consistent food and water, etc. In today’s world, security means a source of income which enables us to maintain continuous growth in our life. Third is Relationship because once we have those basic needs covered, we automatically look to connecting with others, looking past ourselves, realizing the joy and growth that being part of a society, having friends, and family can bring to us.

I believe that we’re progressing on this hierarchy not as individuals, but as a species. We’re constantly evolving in every way. There was a time when our focus was on only our survival – we were hunters and focused on  trying to figure out where our next meal would come from. Once we had a firm grasp on that, we moved up with a focus on maintaining our security through our best known method – through an income – and this gave birth to time periods like the industrial revolution. As we continued to evolve, I believe we’re now focused on relationships and social connection – hence the uproar of all the social networks that dominate the internet and people’s time and attention. Whereas once upon a time, the human species time and attention was mainly focused on making money and creating an income which ensures safety – this is why the older generation’s viewpoints conflict with the younger generation. This is why parent’s still want their children to become doctors, lawyers, accountants, whereas children want to pursue whatever they are passionate about. The focus has shifted from Safety to Belonging & Connection. (Again, I’m talking about the human species as a whole and referring mainly to the developed countries.) I would argue that this shift in focus initially started with the rise of the internet, which enabled ‘connection’ on a massive, global level.  That connection has been improving in speed, ease, and convenience DRASTICALLY ever since. Today, we have access to global social connection 24/7… in our pockets.

What does this mean for marketers and business owners?

Well firstly, GET ON SOCIAL MEDIA if you haven’t already. But secondly, think about this:

If you can understand what the world currently values and better yet, what the world will value in the next 10 – 20 years, and if you can manufacture your marketing and brand strategy accordingly, what could that mean for the long-term success of your business?

For marketers and brand builders, it’s important to know about the basic needs that fuel our motivations, because we can leverage our consumer’s desire to fulfill these basic needs when creating our marketing strategy.

The 3rd Basic and Currently Most Important Need for Businesses to Leverage – Relationships/Connection

Establishing a relationship between your brand and your consumer is the first step to increasing brand equity and creating brand loyalty. The urge to be a part of something, to feel a sense of belonging and connection, is very deep-rooted in human nature. More importantly, the factors that create a sense of belonging and connection that lead to establishing relationships, are also deeply rooted in human nature. Therefore, if we’re going to be strategic, these are the factors we must leverage to enable our consumer’s to feel a sense of belonging and connection with our brand.

One Crucial Factor To Use In Your Strategy

Robert Cialdini identified an important concept that relates to relationship-building when he created his 6 key principles of influence:

The Concept of RECIPROCITY.

Professor Regan at Cornell University displayed the power of this concept when he conducted an experiment where different subjects were rating paintings with a ‘perceived’ partner (the research assistant). Throughout the experiment, the assistant would give some subjects a drink and wouldn’t give anything to other subjects. At the end of the interaction, the assistant would ask if the subjects were willing to buy raffle tickets from him, and of course, those subjects who received the gift of a drink were more willing to purchase tickets – even though the tickets were a lot more expensive than the drink itself!

Humans are naturally inclined to give back when they have been given FIRST. Rarely does anyone take the first step – but the one who does, creates a momentum. The act of giving and serving others inspires that behavior naturally. Which is why when people see others doing something good, they automatically feel the need to good as well. Giving creates a positive emotional momentum.


Leverage the Concept of Reciprocity

Leveraging this natural human tendency in your marketing strategy accomplishes two things for your business:

1. If you provide your customer with some form of value, they will be a lot more likely to provide you with their business – even if the value of their business is more than the value you provided to them! But also be strategic and keep in mind the ‘value’ of your ‘value’ that you provide. What does that mean? Let’s say you offer a free promotion of some kind and your company is the first to do so. You will do very well. That is until your competitors start doing the same thing. When everyone is doing it, the value of the ‘value’ you are providing, no longer fuels the principle of reciprocity.
Reciprocity-in-College-Advertising2. Creates a strong relationship between your brand and consumer. Relationships are strengthened through the act of service and the act of giving. (Enter free prizes and giveaways – Tim Horton’s Roll up the Rim contest,  WestJet giving free stuff to passengers on Christmas, etc.)

Keep in Mind & Key Takeaway

Keep in mind that as humans, we are not only compelled to return the favor when we receive value, but we’re also inclined to not have to feel obligated and in-debt towards others. Therefore, as a business you should make it a point to always be the last to give something of value to your customer, so it’s on them to always take action in your favor. If your customer has already bought your product or service, give more value by sending an appreciation email, or by sending a follow-up bonus, or by having exceptional after-sales customer service. At the very least, a thank you in some shape or form is a no-brainer, because even ‘thank-you’ is reciprocated in the form of a ‘you’re welcome’. Even if the customer can no longer buy anything you, they WILL give back value through recommendations, referrals, likes on your Facebook page, etc., which is how your brand and your business grows. Understand your consumer, their psychology, their motivation and provide them with value to evoke their willingness to take action towards your brand – that is what brand marketing psychology is all about.

Brand Building Brand Differentiation Brand Management Brand Positioning Brand Promise Brand Strategy Branding Psychology Consumer Psychology Emotional Branding Marketing Psychology

5 Underrated Channels to Build Brand Loyalty and Increase Consumer Engagement

Brand loyalty is about connecting with your consumer. It’s about having a brand story that communicates the personality and values of your brand. It’s about delivering on your brand promise. It’s about the impression your brand leaves on your consumer. It’s about the emotional engagement which drives repeat purchase decisions. At the very core of it all, it’s the experience your consumer has with your brand that will motivate them to become a repeat consumer and eventually, a loyal consumer.

Knowing this, have you ever thought about how on a physical level, your consumer experiences your brand? Logically, if we understood all the different channels through which consumers experience our brand, our product, or our service, we would make sure we cover EVERY channel to make sure we have the MOST impact on our consumer’s experience with us. But do most businesses and marketers really do that?

There are five physical channels through which we  humans experience the world in which we live – and you know already know this very well: it’s the five human senses. We experience things, places, people, and the world around us, through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The five senses are also how your consumers experience your brand. Yet, the majority of marketing strategies and plans that are created are mainly focused on engaging only two of our senses – sight and sound. We forget that ALL of our senses are our pathways to our emotions. Perhaps sight and sound are the easiest to leverage to trigger emotion, which is why most businesses only focus on them.

As I completed writing my previous post about Kellogg Special K’s brand revitalization strategy, I remembered another significant investment Kellogg has made – an investment in the sound of their cereal. Kellogg believes that the crunching sound their cereal makes when it is chewed, is one of the reasons for the success of the brand. This is the reason that the sound of the cereal is strongly emphasized in many of the Cornflakes ads.

Sound is definitely important. If it wasn’t, the easily identifiable and unique crunch sound Kellogg created for its cornflakes wouldn’t have led the brand to become even more successful. Kellogg wouldn’t have hired a sound lab to create the Kellogg’s crunch, and they wouldn’t have made the investment to go as far as getting a patent for the “crunch”. In 2011, it was noted that 74% of modern consumers associate the word “crunch” with the Kellogg’s Company.

There are many ways to use auditory stimulus as a strategy to engage with the consumer – think of jingles and background music in commercials. It’s common. I particularly like the Kellogg example because it’s unique and I think it’s innovative. I wouldn’t be surprised if Doritos and Pringles probably use a similar strategy.

Tangible Advertising

In a Millward Brown Case Study, researchers investigated how the brain processes physical marketing materials. The findings demonstrated that tangible advertising produces deeper engagement with the audience as it engages more senses. They noticed that brain activity was associated with the integration of senses that triggered stronger emotional responses by creating a deeper integration with personal thoughts and feelings.

Tangible advertising is appealing to the sense of sight and touch. As humans, we are wired to interpret the touch of everything around us. We communicate with each other through touch, whether we realize it or not. We feel more connected to someone if they touch us. In 2009, DePauw University psychologist Matthew Hertenstein demonstrated that we have an innate ability to decode emotions via touch. In a research experiment conducted in the late 70’s, clerks at a library returned library cards to students either with or without briefly touching the borrower’s hand – borrowers interviewed said that those who had been touched evaluated the clerk and the library a lot more favorably. The effect was true even when they hadn’t even noticed the touch. Further recent studies have found that slight touches to customers enable waitresses to receive bigger tips and because of a simple touch as a customer service gesture, people also tend to shop and buy more in stores.

What could this mean for your brand, in being able to connect with your consumer?

Touch is extremely important – think of Apple stores and how they happily allow customers to interact and ‘touch’ their products – and we all know how loyal most Apple consumers are. I can go on about the importance of touch forever and write a whole post on it – which I probably will – but you get the point.

Touch has the powerful ability to improve the desire to own a brand.


Then we have smell which is unique in its own way because smell sprouts memories and evokes feelings without first being filtered by the brain.

All of our other senses are processed by the brain first. We’re all emotionally sensitive to the smell of a new car, or the smell of rain, or freshly baked cookies. I can’t help but feel a craving for fresh-baked bread every time I walk by a bakery. I don’t know if that is the bakery’s strategy or not, it’s probably an accidental strategy, but it definitely works. In order to identify a smell, you must be able to recall when you smelled it before. That is when you connect it to a visual image that occurred at that same time. A familiar childhood perfume brings back memories from those days, and the feelings associated with that time. Some research shows that absorbing information in the presence of a scent increases the vividness and intensity of that information when you smell that scent again.

If your product or service can incorporate a smell as your consumer is absorbing your brand’s experience, how likely do you think your customer is to recall with complete vividness, the emotions they felt in your brand’s presence? If the emotions were pleasant, how much would they crave that experience with your brand again?

SensesBuilding brands through leveraging all five senses is important and extremely beneficial. Not many companies have incorporated brand building strategies to appeal to all the senses. In some cases it calls for a lot of creativity and innovation. In other cases, it can be quite simple to do.

The brands that are succeeding today are taking into consideration how the consumer experiences their brand. At the end of the day it’s about consumer engagement. The more you can positively engage your consumer with your product and your brand through their different senses, the more easily your consumer will recall the feelings they felt with your brand when those senses are triggered again.

Brand Building Brand Differentiation Brand Management Brand Positioning Brand Promise Brand Strategy Brand Strategy for Start-Ups Branding Psychology Consumer Psychology Marketing Psychology

Brand Revitalization: Leveraging Psychology To Shift Consumer Demand (CASE STUDY: Kellogg’s Special K)

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The value of your brand is based on how much your customer wants you. Brand equity relies on customer demand. If your brand won’t care about your consumer, your consumer won’t care about your brand. If your consumer doesn’t care about your brand, if your product lacks appeal to the consumer, your brand will fail in shifting demand.

Apple captures more than 3 times the market share of the number two company in the MP3 player category – and this is if the price and other features are completely equal. Even if Apple doubled their price, they would still have market share equal to its competitor brands! That is the power of building brand equity. That is the power of understanding your consumers to such a degree, that your brand is like a magnet that pulls consumer demand towards you.

Long-established or “mature” brands often find themselves asking brand oriented questions when sales are lagging and competitors are thriving. They ask questions like:

  • “Should we re-brand?”
  • “Are our brand’s lagging because of ineffective marketing tactics?”
  • “Are we not advertising enough?”

In reality, these are questions that revolve around creating customer awareness. Customer awareness is already there. Customers already know of your brand’s existence if your brand is a long-established brand.

Instead, brand managers need to have a demand oriented perspective on the purpose of a brand. The focus needs to be on the end goal – the consumer. It’s the message that your brand is sending out that doesn’t speak to your customer’s priorities. It could also be that your product or service is flawed and is not creating recurring customers. Either way, your resources are much better spent on understanding what the customer wants, not on more advertising and on more marketing tactics.

When creating the strategy to build brand equity and shift consumer demand, you are essentially focusing on building your brand’s competitive advantage. Logically, if you’re shifting consumer demand to your brand, you’re also shifting consumer demand away from your competitor’s brand.

The Key: Develop Competitive Advantage (through demand-oriented perspective) –> Shift Consumer Demand –> Build Brand Equity

The Question: So how can you specifically develop a strong competitive advantage?

Here is how Kellogg’s Special K did it…

CASE STUDY: Kellogg’s Special K

Special K

Special K is a cereal that was introduced to the US in the 1950’s. If you’re familiar with Special K now, you’re well aware of its strong association with weight loss. You might have seen the multi-level marketing campaigns Kellogg’s has launched with this brand, especially through social media. Special K was connected with the weight loss idea from the 80’s, straight through to all of the 90’s. Back then, it was just the one flavor of cereal described as being ‘bland’. The taste was bland. The brand was bland. There was no innovation. Competitors wouldn’t look twice in fear at Special K. This is because all throughout the 80’s and 90’s, no one at Special K had a DEMAND-ORIENTED perspective. They didn’t look to understand their consumer as much as they should have.

Towards the end of the 90’s, a brilliant mind at Special K began understanding consumer priorities. They began constantly acquiring feedback to gage if consumers are getting the right experiences with the product. It was only when Special K began focusing on the consumer and asking questions like:

  • Do our consumer believe what we say about weight loss?
  • How should we deliver our promise to our consumers?
  • What makes consumer’s think about our brand?
  • What benefit are our consumer’s seeking?

This consumer-oriented perspective led to the initial process of creating a competitive advantage. This led to the process of Special K beginning to connect more powerfully with their specific target market (women aged 25-45).

Successful brands share a similar focus when it comes to developing strong competitive advantages – that focus is on TWO extremely important elements:

Vision and Innovation

Everything begins with a compelling vision. Your vision is your heritage. It’s your purpose, your identity, your central idea. New brands must develop their vision before anything else. Long-established brands have their vision in place. For long-established, mature brands however, it often becomes difficult to adapt and change with the market because the brand is so rooted in what has been ‘working’, that sticking to tradition is perceived to be the best way to go. Long-established brands feel that they need to choose between ‘change’ and ‘tradition’. The answer however, is to have a BALANCE of the two; a balance of tradition and change, in other words, of vision and innovation. In around 2000, when Special K disrupted the cereal market, I believe they shifted their focus and began fostering this balance.

They zoomed in on their vision: “to empower women to take control and maintain a healthy weight”, and leveraged it to create a measurable, specific, and direct PROMISE that resonated with the consumer.

The promise: Eat Special K two times a day for two weeks, and lose up to six pounds.

They understood that the consumer was looking for a simple, easy, solution to their dieting needs. They understood that the consumer also wanted to feel like they overcame a challenge on their journey to success. Thus, they framed their brand story as a ‘2-week challenge’.

Special K 2 Week Challenge

Finally, after years of remaining stagnant in the cereal market, Special K began aligning its vision with the consumer, and the Special K flight had taken off and was at an altitude higher than its competitors. Now it was all about maintaining that altitude and rising higher. Now it was all about INNOVATION.

Innovation is what keeps brands and businesses alive and thriving in a highly competitive environment. If your brand is defined as an innovator, it is pretty much understood that you brand has been around long enough to develop strong core values that define it, values that stood the test of time, values that have roots in a solid VISION.

Special K’s innovation started with Berry Special K – which allowed Special K to dive into the ‘good-tasting’ cereal market. Since then, we have seen Special K protein bars, shakes, water mixes, cereal bars, crackers, chips, fruit crisps, etc.

Innovation at Special KSpecial K recently:

Aug 2013 – According to market research firm Euromonitor, cold cereal sales in the US have increased only 6 percent. However, Special K has been a standout for Kellogg, with the brand’s market share increasing to 5 percent, up from approximately 3 percent a decade ago.

Aligning your vision with your consumer shifts your consumer’s demand because your brand becomes highly valued and relevant to your consumer. Aligning your innovation with your consumer shifts your consumer’s demand because your brand remains highly valued and relevant to your consumer.

The marketing team at Special K realized this and today, Special K continues to be a leader in its market.

Special K Variety


Brand Building Brand Differentiation Brand Management Brand Positioning Brand Promise Brand Strategy Brand Strategy for Start-Ups Branding Psychology

How To Name Your Product Or Brand Using Psychology Tactics


Being the creative marketers that we are, we love the idea of naming our brand. It feels like art to us. It’s one of the “fun” aspects of owning a brand or a company – coming up with the name, logo, tag-line, etc.

Well I’m here to tell you that although you should definitely indulge in the fun creative process, you should also remember that naming your brand, creating your logo, and coming up with the tagline, is just as much an art as it is a science.

One of the major mistakes most entrepreneurs and new brand owners make, is getting too excited with and diving into, the creative aspect of brand development. Before doing anything in terms of naming your brand, you need to first make sure you have completely developed your brand’s short and long term strategy. Why? Because the name of your brand has a strategic role to play – it needs to successfully communicate the positioning and personality of the brand.

If you haven’t developed the strategy behind your brand, if you haven’t completely understood your consumer, how can you create a name that will resonate with your audience for years to come? Your brand name needs to create an emotional bond with your customer. Thus, when considering a name, it is vital for us to understand our consumer’s thought patterns, to determine how we can create a name that is relevant, a name that has stretch, adaptability, and flexibility as your business and the market grows.

Establishing the strategic focus of your brand, before anything, is vital in the brand-naming process. At the end of the day, brand name generation mainly has to do with long-term strategy. This is because short-term strategy revolves around ‘survival’ – being unique, being first in a category, and ensuring that your brand possesses a specific WORD or CONCEPT in the consumer’s mind.

In long-term brand strategy however, all of those things vanish and what really matters is what your customers call your brand and what they call your competitor’s brand. Therefore, your decision on what you name your product, is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in the course of developing your brand. In the long term, the recognition of your brand comes primarily from its name.

Quite often founders and new brand owners have the urge to come up with descriptive names for their company. This isn’t always the best method. In today’s increasingly competitive environment, your brand needs to go beyond focusing on the physical attributes of the product or service itself.

What’s the difference between The Container Store and IKEA? Although they both sell storage boxes and baskets, who is more well-known amongst consumers? It’s easy to think that if your brand name describes what you do, then it will be easier for consumers to understand and choose your brand and therefore, you won’t need to invest too much in marketing. But descriptive names are limiting and don’t allow for you to have a strong competitive advantage.

What if Twitter was called ‘Status’ or if Ebay was called ‘Echo Bay Technology Group’? These are names that were almost chosen by both companies. Essentially what we must realize is:

Descriptive names are easier to REMEMBER, but creative names are harder to FORGET.

Research and test out your brand name with your audience before concretely establishing it. Figure out if it communicates desired attributes or specific benefits of your product or service. Ask people around you what they think. Your brand name represents your promise to your consumers. It differentiates the value your brand offers from competitor brands. Think of it as a recall and recognition device – over time and through continuous use, your brand name will become a valuable asset and intellectual property. Most importantly, be certain that your brand name is flexible enough to survive for decades to come.